The Department of English for Engineering 2 was founded in 2000.
The head of the department is a professor, Sc.D. in Education, Lavrysh Yuliana. Teachers of the department are involved in scientific and pedagogical activity at 9 faculties/institutes, teaching English to approximately 7,500 students.
The key objectives of the department’s activity are:
-highly qualified teaching of ESP;
– provision of advisory assistance to students for participation in Olympiads and conferences, for the defence of diploma projects in English;
– design of syllabi and educational/ methodological materials.
The academic staff of the department fosters cutting-edge research in the methodology of ESP teaching. Members of the department contribute to sound methodological framework of the educational process. The teachers of the department master their professional skills by taking professional development courses in leading universities of Ukraine, the British Council, and Kyiv English Teaching Resource Center.
The department works in close collaboration with other NTUU “KPI” departments, and foreign language departments of other educational institutions. Every year the department holds scientific conferences for senior students who present their reports on speciality-related topics in English.
The department actively cooperates with universities of the world and organizes scientific conferences for teachers. In order to improve the quality of the educational process, the teachers actively integrate education technologies and encourage students to use online educational sources and MOOC for language competencies improvement. Educational work and research activities in the language environment contribute to both effective education of future professionals and development of their competitive language competencies and skills. All the theoretical and practical courses are supported by elaborate teaching resources. Members of the department are at the forefront of teaching and practicing the latest approaches in ESP, employing best practices that constitute excellence in university education.
Website of the department:
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