
Material and methodological support

Laboratory of Information Technologies for Foreign Language Studies

In order to enhance the educational process, the Faculty of Foreign Languages has established the Laboratory of Information Technologies for Teaching Foreign Languages, which is aimed at ensuring the introduction of innovative teaching methods for students of the School of Foreign Languages and modern technologies into the educational process. This contributes to the efficiency of the School’s educational activities.
The laboratory performs the following functions:

  • technical support of the educational process in computer labs, lecture and classrooms equipped with modern computer and multimedia equipment;
  • providing design, organisation and preparation of educational materials;
  • design and publication of multimedia educational publications;
  • advising the faculty on the preparation of teaching materials and providing the necessary technical support in their creation;
  • technical support in the development and implementation of an active innovation policy of the Faculty of Linguistics in the context of the activities of the Faculty’s scientific schools;
  • technical support for the process of establishing international cooperation of the FL, optimisation of communication of the FL staff and students with representatives of other countries using modern IT technologies;
  • development and maintenance of the websites of the School, the School’s departments, seminars, conferences and other events held at the School;
  • technical support and maintenance of teleconferences of the FL with other universities (on-line and off-line, Web-Cast), introduction of modern technologies for learning foreign languages (WIKI, PODCASTING, VOKI).
    The multimedia laboratories are used for practical classes, defence of students’ research papers, including master’s theses and diploma projects. Methodological seminars and scientific and practical conferences are held on the basis of the laboratory. The laboratory provides technical support and administration of the School’s computer network, which has more than 50 workstations, and also provides technical support for classes in the School’s disciplines for students of the School of Linguistics.
    The laboratory has:
  • three computer laboratories (rooms 727, 739, 611);
  • a multi-media room (room 629).