
Scientific work

Fields of academic work

The Faculty’s academic work is an integral system of research conducted by lecturers, associate professors, and professors aimed at studying current linguistic, translation studies, and foreign language teaching methods. The main fields of academic work include the following:

§ study of theoretical concepts of translation studies, cognitive, emotional, and pragmatic components of speech; language neology and neography, foreign language teaching methods, cross-cultural communication and other important issues;

§ presentations at scientific conferences;

§ publication of scientific articles in academic journals and in the journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science;

§ application of an integrated approach to solving academic problems;

§ use of modern information technologies when conducting scientific research;

§ providing academic and advisory assistance to the students in writing research papers for their participation in English-language academic student conferences and competitions in the spheres of their majoring;

§ involvement of the talented youth in scientific research;

§ admission to postgraduate programmes and thesis defence.


Scientific and Pedagogical Group

“Linguistic and Stylistic Studies of Text”
In 2006, the FL established a research group to address topical issues of philology under the leadership of Doctor of Philology, Professor Nina Ishchenko in within the theme: “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Linguistics Research”. Currently, the group is headed by PhD in Philology, Professor Larysa Taranenko.
The activity of the research group is an integral system of research work of the Department’s teachers of English Theory, Practice and Translation and the Department of German Theory, Practice and Translation of German Language. Within the framework of this topic, the issues of semantics of linguistic units are raised and applied research in the following areas:

  1. Linguistic and speech means expressing the national identity of representatives of the linguistic cultures whose language is being studied. The basis of their study is the means with stylistic, pragmatic, and communicative-pragmatic load.
  2. Linguistic study of text and discourse.
  3. Actual problems of communicative linguistics.
  4. Actual problems of text linguistics.
  5. Interdisciplinary applied linguistic research.

Research and education group

“Cognitive-discursive, sociolinguistic, lexical-semantic and communicative-pragmatic dimensions of linguistic research”

The head and the founder of this group is Svitlana Marianivna Ivanenko, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the German Language at the Faculty of Linguistics of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic  Institute.

The group was established at the Faculty of Linguistics in 2016 in order to expand the topics and horizons of research, train researchers, and publish new academic works in the field of Romano-Germanic philology. Every year the school is joined by new individuals and achievements, creating a solid foundation for the further development of university science. The research group consists mainly of PhDs in Philology, associate professors of various departments of the Faculty of Linguistics who are working on their doctoral dissertations. However, they also actively involve young lecturers and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Linguistics who are working on their PhD theses within the framework of the stated research topic.

The main fields of research are as follows:

  • Theoretical concepts of translation studies in the field of specialized languages.
    • Current issues of syntax in modern German.
    • The pragmastylistic aspect of modern discourse studies.

Research and education group

“Modern foreign language education in higher technical school”

The head of the group is Zoia Kornieva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,   Professor of the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language at the Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

The research and education group “Modern Foreign Language Education in Higher Technical School” has been working since 1995, when the Faculty of Linguistics was founded. This group unites researchers of the specialty 011 Education Sciences. The research group consists mainly of doctors and candidates of pedagogical and psychological sciences, associate professors of various departments of the Faculty of Linguistics. The young teachers and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Linguistics working on PhD theses within the stated research topic are also actively involved.

Current fields of research are as follows:

  • Methods of teaching foreign languages in higher technical schools
    • Adult education
    • Psychological features of student-teacher interaction.

Research school

“Kyiv Phonetic School”

The head of the school is Alla Kalyta, a Ukrainian pheneticist and linguist, Doctor of Philology, Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

Kyiv Phonetic School, founded by A.A. Kalyta, has been functioning since 2003. It was established by professional philologists-pheneticists who, under the supervision of Professor Alla Kalyta, devoted their lives to expanding the horizon of scientific knowledge in the field of language and speech.

The starting point of the school’s research is the energy concept, based on a new theoretical principle of preserving the emotional and pragmatic potential of expression, formulated by A.A. Kalyta. The keynote of this principle is that the emotional and pragmatic potential of any utterance is unchangeable and is characterized by a stochastic redistribution of its energy among the means of different levels of language and extra-linguistic means, involved in the realization of the utterance. In addition, it has been emphasized that the accumulation, change and redistribution of emotional and pragmatic potential is a specific form of psychophysiological energy functioning in the sphere of an individual’s spiritual being, whose nature reflects the complex interrelation of cognitive processes occurring in his/her psychic sphere during the generation of thinking in speech and mental design of actions.

The energy concept of the school as a logical framework of the new interdisciplinary concept is the basis for the further development of the energy theory of speech as a certain system of views aimed at a non-traditional for linguistics understanding of energetic regularities of psychophysiological processes of generating thought during speech and mental design of an individual’s actions in their direct relationship with the cognitive processes taking place in the communicants’ psychic sphere.

Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics

The Ukrainian Association of Cognitive Linguistics and Poetics (UACLaP) was established in 2021 on the initiative of Professors O. P. Vorobiova and S. A. Jabotinsky. The Association encompasses a wide range of scholars (professors, doctoral students, postgraduate students, and undergraduates) from different parts of Ukraine and abroad, united by their interest in contemporary cognitive studies of language, text, and various media, including cognitive translation studies.  Since September 2021, the Association has been working based on the Faculty of Linguistics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. The President of the Association is Professor of Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the English Language at the Faculty of Linguistics O. P. Vorobyova.

Over its more than ten-year period of activity, the UACLiP has organised three major international scientific conferences, numerous roundtables and seminars, and held three summer schools on academic writing. One of the focuses of the association’s work is to invite leading domestic and foreign cognitive scientists and representatives of related specialities to give lectures. For example, in 2022, the guest lecturers were Professor Michael Burke (American College of Utrecht University, the Kingdom of the Netherlands) and former translator of the UN Secretariat, literary critic, writer and translator S. Tkachenko.

More information about the work of the Association can be found on the UAACLaP website http://uaclip.at.ua, in particular, in the UAACLaP bulletins, which are planned to be resumed in the near future.


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 Theoretical and applied aspects of linguistic studies01.2024 – 12.20240124U002108Тараненко Лариса Іванівна (д.філол.н., професор)
 Theory and practice of professionally oriented English language instruction to students majoring in Engineering01.2024 – 12.20260124U002126Корнєва Зоя Михайлівна (д.пед.н., професор)
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Each department of the Faculty of Linguistics is involved in active research, and you can find out more information on the subject by visiting the departments’ websites:

Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of English;

Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of German;

Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of French;

Department of English for Engineering No 1

Department of English for Engineering No 2

Department of English for Engineering No 3

Department of the Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture