
Testing for B2 level

Dear applicants for higher education!

Testing for B2 level in the English language has been resumed. To pass the test, you need to install the Zoom application and have access to high-speed Internet, as the test is administered on several platforms simultaneously.
Passing the test and getting a certificate of proficiency in a foreign language is a prerequisite for participation of students in international mobility programs.
To obtain a certificate, students must:
1) have a GPA no lower than 4 (can be obtained at the dean’s office or the department indicating the full name and a signature of the officer responsible for the GPA calculation);
2) provide information on the selected mobility program: the curriculum (Learning Agreement) with the indication of subjects / courses, the volume of study / ECTS /. (This document is to be signed at the Faculty / Institute by the person in charge of re-recording courses after completing his foreign course)
3) inform their foreign language teacher in advance;
4) pre-register using the following form:
5) provide the commission with copies of documents to confirm items 1 (application form) and 2 (training plan);
6) come for testing on time.

You will receive an e-mail with information about the exact date and place of testing upon receiving and processing your application.
The test includes the following types of assignments: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The first three tasks are carried out in writing. After the student completes the first three tasks, they are checked by the Assessment Board. The fourth task (spoken production and spoken interaction) is performed orally in the presence of the members of the Assessment Board.
The student will receive a certificate of approved design within one week after the test results have been processed.

Заява на проходження тестування для отримання сертифіката